42. the wise men
/ matthew 2 /
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The Three 3️⃣ Wise Men had traveled a very long way, following a special star 🌟 that shone brightly in the night sky. 🌌 They rode on camels 🐫 🐪 🐫 across sandy deserts 🏜️ and rocky paths, carrying beautiful gifts: 🎁 shining gold, sweet-smelling frankincense, and precious myrrh. These weren't just ordinary presents - each gift was special and meant something important about who Jesus was.
When they finally found the baby, 👶🏼 they were so happy! 😁 They saw little Jesus with Mary and Joseph, in a stable. Even though the place was small and humble, the Wise Men knew this was no ordinary child. 👦 They knelt down and bowed 🙇 before Jesus, showing how special they believed he was. The gold was a gift for a king, the frankincense was used in special prayers 🙏 to God, and the myrrh was a special oil used to show something very important was happening.
After meeting Jesus, the Wise Men didn't forget about King 👑 Herod's trick. 👿 They had a dream 💭 from God that warned them not to go back and tell Herod where the baby 👶🏼 was. Herod wanted to hurt Jesus because he was afraid of losing his own power. So the Wise Men made a very brave choice. Instead of going back the same way they came, they went home by a completely different route. 🗺️
Their journey home was different, 🧭 but their hearts 💞 were full of joy. 🥹 They had seen the special baby 👶🏼 that the old stories had talked about for many years. They knew they had been part of something amazing 🤩 - meeting the special child 👦 who would change the world. 🌎
After the 3️⃣ Wise Men left, Mary and Joseph knew they weren't safe ⚠️ in their home. 🏠 God had warned Joseph in a dream 😴 to leave, just like He had warned the Wise Men. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus stayed in Egypt 🇪🇬 until they heard that King Herod had died and it was safe to return home. 🏡