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48. parable of the sower

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One beautiful day, 🌞 Jesus was sitting by a lake, and lots of people came to hear 👂🏻 Him tell stories. He told them a wonderful story about a farmer. 👨🏻‍🌾 


This farmer 👨🏻‍🌾 woke up super early one morning, 🌄 just as the sun was starting to peek over the hills. He put on his dusty work boots 🥾 and his favorite hat 🧢 to keep the sun off. In his rough, work-worn hands, 🙌 he carried a big cloth bag 💼 filled with precious golden seeds. 


As the farmer walked 🚶 through his field, he tossed seeds everywhere as he went. The tiny seeds danced 🕺 through the morning air like little stars ✨ falling to earth. 🌍 But these seeds landed in four different kinds of places.

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Some seeds fell onto a hard dirt path where lots of people had walked. The ground was packed down as hard as a rock! 🪨 These seeds couldn't sink into the soil at all. Soon, a whole flock of hungry birds 🐦 came swooping down and they pecked up every single seed with their sharp little beaks. 🦅 


Other seeds bounced and rolled onto ground that looked good on top but had lots of rocks 🪨 hiding underneath. These brave little seeds started to grow - pushing up tiny green shoots 🌱 toward the warm sunshine. ☀️ But oh dear! Their roots couldn't grow deep because of all the rocks. When the bright summer sun climbed high in the sky, it got so hot 🥵 the poor baby plants didn't have enough water in the shallow soil. They started to droop, then wilt, then dried up completely. 😵 

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Some seeds landed in soil where thorny weeds were already living. The seeds grew into plants 🌱 with pretty green leaves, and for a while, they looked just fine! But those tricky weeds grew even faster, getting bigger ⬆️ each day. They had sharp thorns and thick stems that wrapped around the good plants like tight ropes. 🪢 The weeds stole all the water, 💦 ate up all the food 🥘 in the soil, and blocked out the sunshine. 🌚The good plants tried their best, but they just couldn't grow properly with those pesky weeds around.


But, there were many seeds that fell onto beautiful, 😻 rich soil. This soil was dark and crumbly, full of good things that help plants grow.  🆙 These lucky seeds snuggled down deep into the soft earth. 🌍 Their roots grew down, down, down like little fingers reaching into the soil. Their stems grew up toward the sky, 🌌 getting taller every day. Their leaves spread out wide to catch every bit of sunshine ☀️ they could. 

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These plants 🪴 didn't just grow - they thrived! Some made 30 seeds, some made 60 seeds, and some amazing plants even made 100 new seeds! The farmer's heart 💚 was so full of joy when he saw his healthy crop. At harvest time, his field looked like a sea of gold, waving gently in the breeze. 🌬️ 


Jesus explained that this story teaches 👨🏼‍🏫 us about how people hear about God's love. 🫶 He wants us to be like the good soil - ready to listen, 🎧 learn, and grow in His love. 🪴 

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