43. Jesus in the temple as a boy
/ luke 2: 41-52 /
/ listen as you follow along /
Every year, Jesus's family would travel 🧳 to the city 🌆 of Jerusalem for a special celebration called the Passover Feast. 🍱 When Jesus was twelve years old, he went with his mom Mary, his dad Joseph, and many other families from their hometown 🏠 of Nazareth. It was a long journey - they had to walk 🚶 for several days to get there.
In Jerusalem, there was a magnificent temple ⛪️ that looked like a giant castle. 🏰 It had tall walls made of beautiful white stone, and golden decorations that sparkled in the sunlight. ✨ This was God's special house 🏡 where people came to worship and pray. 🤲 Jesus and his family spent several wonderful days there celebrating 🎉 with everyone.
When the celebration 🥳 was over, all the families started their long journey 🧭 back home. 🏡 In those days, people traveled in big groups for safety, with all their friends and relatives. The children would often walk together, playing games and talking, while the grown-ups walked nearby. Mary thought Jesus was walking 🚶 with his cousins and friends, while Joseph thought he was with Mary. They weren't worried 😟 at first.
But when evening came and everyone stopped to rest, 😌 Mary and Joseph couldn't find Jesus anywhere! 😱 They looked among all their relatives and friends, asking everyone, "Have you seen Jesus?" Their hearts 💞 were beating fast with worry. Their precious son 👦 was missing in the big city! 🌃
They rushed back to Jerusalem as fast as they could. 🏃🏻♀️💨 They looked in the markets where children 👧🏼 might play. They checked the places where travelers 🧳 stayed. 🏨 They asked everyone they met if they had seen a twelve-year-old boy named Jesus. For three 3️⃣ whole days, they searched and searched!
Finally, they decided to look in the temple ⛪️ one more time. And there he was! But Jesus wasn't lost or scared - he was sitting right in the middle of a group of teachers. 👨🏼🏫 These were very wise men 🧠 who had studied God's word 📕 their whole lives. Jesus was listening to them carefully, asking thoughtful questions, and even answering their questions! The teachers were amazed 🤩that such a young boy could understand so much about God.
Mary felt relieved but also a little upset. 😭 “Son," she said, "your father and I have been so worried! 😧 We've been searching everywhere for you for three 3️⃣ whole days!"
Jesus looked surprised. 😮 With great respect, he said, "Why were you searching 🔎 for me? Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" ⛪️ Jesus was talking about God, his heavenly Father, and how important it was for him to be in the temple learning about God's ways.
Even though Jesus knew he was God's Son, he understood that he needed to obey his earthly 🌍 parents too. He went home with Mary and Joseph to Nazareth, where he continued to be a good and obedient son. 👦
As Jesus grew taller and stronger, 💪 he also grew wiser and kinder. Both God and people were happy 😊 with the remarkable young man 👨🏻 he was becoming.