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38. esther

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King 👑 Ahasuerus once ruled a huge kingdom called Persia, and within Persia there lived a beautiful 😻 young Jewish girl named Esther. She was being raised by her cousin Mordecai, who had taken care of her since she was a little girl. 👧🏼 Mordecai loved Esther like a daughter and taught her to be kind and brave.


At that time, the king 👑 was looking for a new queen. 👸🏼 Many young women were brought to the palace, and Esther was among them. She was special - gentle, kind, and very beautiful. 🤩 Mordecai had told her to keep her Jewish heritage a secret. 🤫 When it was Esther's turn to meet the king, he was so impressed by her that he chose her to be his new queen! 

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But not everyone in the kingdom was happy. 😠 The king had a mean advisor named Haman who didn't like the Jewish people. Haman was angry 😤 because Mordecai would not bow 🙇‍♂️ down to him. So Haman made a terrible plan - he wanted to get rid of all the Jewish people in the kingdom. He even convinced the king to make a law 📝 that would hurt Esther's people.


When Mordecai heard about this terrible 😣 plan, he was very sad. 😢 He sent a message 💬 to Esther, telling her what Haman was trying to do. At first, Esther was scared. 😳 Speaking to the king without being invited could mean death, 😵 even for the queen! 👸🏼 But Mordecai reminded her that maybe she had become queen for just this important moment.

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So Esther made a brave plan. She invited the king 👑 and Haman to a special dinner. 🥘 During the dinner, the king asked Esther what she wanted. That was her chance! She told the king about Haman's mean 😢 plan to hurt her people. The king was very angry 😡 - not at Esther, but at Haman!


The king stopped Haman's terrible 😣 plan and saved the Jewish 🇮🇱 people. Mordecai was made an important leader in the kingdom, and Esther continued to be a wonderful queen. 👸🏼 The Jewish people were so happy 😁 and grateful that they started a celebration 🎊 called Purim to remember how Esther saved her people.

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