69. crucifixion
/ mark 15 /
/ listen as you follow along /
The Roman officer in charge 🫡 in Jerusalem at the time of Christ was named Pilate. 👨✈️ He had to make a big decision about the fate of two men: Jesus, who was kind 😊 and helped people, and a man named Barabbas, who had done some terrible things. 😈 Pilate asked the crowd which man they wanted to set free. Even though Jesus was innocent, 😇 the crowd chanted: “Give us Barabbas!”
The Roman soldiers ⚔️ took Jesus away and began to hurt him. 👊 They put a purple robe 👘 on him and made a crown 👑 from thorny branches, making fun of him by calling him "King." But Jesus stayed quiet 🤫 and brave, even when they were mean. 😡
Then Jesus had to carry a big, heavy wooden cross ✝️ through the city streets. The cross ✝️ was so heavy that Jesus got very tired. 😪 A man named Simon saw Jesus and helped him carry the cross up a big hill called Golgotha. ⛰️
Some people watching were very sad. 😞 Jesus's friends and his mother Mary were there too, and their hearts 💞 were hurting because they loved 🥰 Jesus so much. But Jesus still showed love 🫶 to everyone, even when he was hurting.
The soldiers put Jesus on a cross ✝️ in the middle, with two other men on crosses next to him - one on his right and one on his left. At first, both men were unkind 😪 to Jesus. But then, one of the men realized that Jesus was good 👍 and innocent. 😇 He asked Jesus to remember him, and Jesus made him a wonderful promise: "Today you will be with me in Paradise" 🏝️ - which means a beautiful 🤩 place with God in heaven.
Some people walking 🚶♀️ by said mean 😠 things to Jesus and even spit at Him, but Jesus just kept showing love. ❤️ Jesus saw his mother Mary and his friend John standing nearby. Even though he was hurting, Jesus asked John to take care of his mother Mary, because he loved 🥰 them both so much.
Then all of a sudden, the bright sunny ☀️ day turned as dark as nighttime. 🌘 This darkness lasted for three whole hours right in the middle of the day. 🌚 During this time, Jesus called out 🗣️in a loud voice, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Meaning Jesus felt far away from God for a little while, which made him quite sad. 😔
Jesus also said he was thirsty, 🤤 and someone gave him a drink. 🥤Then Jesus said: "It is finished." These were his last words before he bowed his head and died. 😵 At that exact moment, the curtain in the special temple building tore right down the middle! Even a Roman soldier 🛡️ who was watching said, "Truly, this man was God's Son!"
After Jesus died, a kind 😊 man named Joseph came to help. He carefully wrapped Jesus's body in a clean, soft cloth, like wrapping a precious gift. 💝 He placed Jesus in a special cave called a tomb and rolled a huge stone 🪨 in front of it.